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Young Lust and Young Love

During their beach vacation, Edmund and Morty enjoyed each other’s company as they took advantage of all the Magistrum-owned resort had to offer. As the days went on, they toured the resort town, took a long stroll on the beach under the sunset, and sampled local street food and other cuisine.

Once it got dark, they went back to their hotel room to continue to bask in each other’s company in a way that young college kids, in love with each other, are ever eager to.

Though they had an open relationship, in was in moments like these that each of them remembered why they always came back to each other: Stayed by each other. Nothing ever satisfied like a good lay with the one person who was more madly in love with you than anyone else.

It was almost like a ritual. As they locked eyes, Morty sitting on top, straddling the bigger tigerkin, they knew each other’s hearts. Beyond his body, Edmund knew that his partner loved him for who he was. And likewise, the rabbitkin saw in his lover eye’s the lust and sex appeal he only recently began to see in himself. It was that gaze that always gave him the confidence he never knew he wanted or needed until the day they started dating.

“Love you, bun bun.”

“Love you back, lover boy.”

This piece came from another one of LittleBadWolf‘s many YCHs back in May of 2024. Since I already had Edmund and Morty on a beach vacation in one of my early pieces, I decided this would be a good place to expand a little one that, albeit in a way that was probably predictable.

It was also an amusing prospect for me. For those who aren’t aware, I’m ace/aro. I have no desire to have sexual relations, nor a desire to pursue a relationship. Thus, I am not particularly knowledgeable on the subject. And thus, if I want to write a sex scene, I have to skip the parts where Edmund and Morty actually have sex, else those with more knowledge suspect I’m some kind of alien.

Probably for the best, since imagination can fill in the blanks just fine.

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