You Brought This On Yourself
After tracking down and ambushing a particularly dastardly villain, our hero is doing his best to conduct an ethical interrogation. Unfortunately, the fiend knows all too well how to avoid incriminating himself.
Or so he thinks. He made the mistake of pushing Enigma too far, which is dangerous when dealing with someone who specializes in mind magic. Now, the good detective has had enough. If they won’t talk, then maybe it’s time to… coax the information he needs out of his quarry through less than ethical means.
It will hurt, but I promise the target won’t remember feeling any pain.
The first piece I commissioned off of DanSyron, back in November of 2018. You might recognize it as the image on the very top of this page. That’s because it remains one of my favorite depictions of Enigma of all time.
The text description is thankfully self-explanatory. I was exploring what a mage like Enigma could do with his powers, and as a detective magical interrogation seemed like the most obvious direction in the world.
Though amusingly as I grow older, I am… less inclined to have Enigma so directly subvert the free will and minds of others unless circumstances were truly dire. Enigma way not be a cop, but it still verges uncomfortably close to police brutality for me. In more modern lore, Enigma has helped write laws and guidelines for how someone with psionic powers could ethically make use of them, especially in detective business. After all, even if a mind mage extracts memory in this manner, one would need to trust that the memory wasn’t tampered with before it could be submitted as evidence.
But that is another topic for another day. For now, enjoy this incredible work from a skilled artist.
Pingback: Memory Extraction – The Enigma Files
August 11, 2024 at 8:43 pm