To A New World
As a planeswalker, Enigma finds himself traveling all manner of worlds. Usually, those worlds are ones where he’s able to walk among the population as he normally dresses. Even if he stands out, it doesn’t cause any sort of problem, and may even help him out.
And in other planes, the mind mage would stand out too severely, making normal operations untenable. Thankfully, powers over the senses come in handy. This society has it’s own ingrained notion of what a detective looks like, and it’s not difficult for a wolf of Enigma’s talents to pick up on that and conjure a more fitting style.
Thanks to his shapeshifting symbiotic weapon, he even has a less conspicuous way to defend himself in this world where swords aren’t as common.
Guise and weapon in tow, what new perils await the mentalist-detective?
This piece is special because it was the first piece I ever commissioned by the artist LittleBadWolf, who I keep regularly coming back to for their professionalism, speed, and reliability. It was a YCH that they were auctioning off back in June of 2020, and given my proclivity for detective fiction I had to have it.
Believe it or not, the shapeshifting symbiote pistol was less about making use of Companion and more about trying to find a way to justify Enigma using a gun, which is something I have less of a hangup about these days. Since this was my first time getting any art from LittleBadWolf, I was not yet aware of how flexible they were with their YCHs, and how much they were willing to customize them on behalf of clients like me. Had I been, there’s no telling how different the work you’re looking at now would be.
Regardless, it served as a fundamental building block to a relationship that would go on to color much of my work henceforth.
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