The View is Always Better From the Rooftops
A truism of the trade is that if one want to remain undetected, their best bet is to get as high off the ground as they can. This is because the vast majority of people rarely, if ever, look up. And by raising oneself above the typical line of sight, said individual robs their quarry of a potential vector of detection.
Though his illusion magic doesn’t work against the cameras and technology of this strange and interesting world, Enigma has further observed that automated surveillance systems tend to be facing towards ground level. With both the crowds and the cameras focused on the streets, he uses the skills he’s honed through years navigating the Magistrum City rooftops to keep above and out of sight.
It’s a skill that ensures that whenever he returns to this city, his services are always in high demand. Those who value professionalism and discretion eagerly await the news that Enigma, the Mind Mage is back in town, even if they don’t understand how and why he disappears so often and so regularly.
This piece comes courtesy of yet another amazing YCH from LittleBadWolf.
Fun fact: It is actually true that people don’t tend to look up. That first paragraph is genuine advice is you ever need or want to keep hidden from someone. And as a professional, Enigma would be all too aware of the phenomenon.
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March 8, 2025 at 4:06 pm