The Prodigal Adventurer
Looking back, even had he not been born a planeswalker, it seemed inevitable that the wolf known as Enigma would have become an explorer or adventurer of some kind. The son of traveling merchants, his parents took him all over the plane, encouraging and nurturing his wonder and curiosity about the world around him.
Every time they stopped at a village or town, young Rabrandt Cyanis would take his leave to learn about local customs and folklore while his parents began to hawk their wares. With a gift for getting people to open up to him and an intuitive sense of what they were thinking and feeling, he found it easy to get others to answer his many questions.
Of course, as he grew, he came to understand that this intuition of his was, in fact, the first sign that he had powers beyond his understanding. Though they loved their son, both of Rabrandt’s parents, lacking any magical talent, knew this was one area where they didn’t have the resources or knowledge to help him hone his gifts. Saying their goodbyes, they traveled to the main campus of the Theorem Magistrum, where Rabrandt enrolled as a student and later ignited his Planeswalker’s spark.
Travelers all, the stars rarely align to allow the Cyanis family to reunite, but they maintain contact to this day. Enigma sends missives to his parents and vice-versa whenever possible, keeping each other abreast of goings-on. And if the parents find themselves at the Magistrum during a semester where Enigma is teaching class, you can almost definitely find them enjoying a meal together at the tavern.
They instilled in Enigma a sense of adventure that he carries with him to this day. And for that, he will be forever grateful.
This piece was actually a gift from LittleBadWolf back in March of 2022, for all the support and business I’ve given them over the years. I was touched by the gesture, and I love how cool it makes Enigma look.
It’s also the kind of pose that is perfect to supplement a short biography, like the kind you might find on the staff page of a college’s website. Thus, I took the chance to do so.
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