The Prisons We Make
After Night of Revelations was finally out in the open in May of 2024, I knew I wanted to capitalize on the momentum and continue the story. Thus, I chose to take one of my free weekends in May to continue the tale with this illustration from LittleBadWolf. It may have been a YCH, but it served my purposes perfectly.
This was an excellent opportunity for me, as a huge proponent or rehabilitative over punitive justice, to illustrate why I support that kind of system in my fictional work, by contrasting the oppressive police state of Oplentis with a system that seeks to end crime by eliminating its causes.
Additionally, it was important to sell how raw Edmund was emotionally, since his world view had just collapsed. That, thankfully, was far easier to handle since it was a logical extension of Night of Revelations.
As master and apprentice returned to Magistrum City with their captives in tow, they gazed onto the edifice of its southern gate, directly facing the region of Oplentis they were newly returned from. Still fresh from their infiltration into the headquarters of the Titan Syndicate, they were dressed in the plain, nondescript outfits that blended in so effectively with the populations of Oplentis’s poorer districts.
Even the golden armbands that adorned Enigma’s long sleeve white shirt blended in with the drab ensemble, and though his tattoo stood out, most knew the planeswalking detective by reputation and not by face. If there were any onlookers around to take notice of the duo, Edmund’s physique would be far more likely to catch their notice. Indeed, the younger man had nothing on but a pair of breeches, his normally cheerful demeanor subdued by recent events. The mind mage knew that his student would need time to heal, but he couldn’t start until they had completed their task.
After all, they were not alone on their journey back. Despite botching their initial scouting run, they managed to not only recover their advantage, but capture the two leaders of the Titan Syndicate: The tight-lipped alchemist Volpes and his double-agent in Oplentis’s city guard, Azurium… Edmund’s very own long-lost father. It was doubtful if there existed physical restrains both strong enough to hold either captive while portable enough to carry on the journey, but there was no need for such brutish solutions.
Indeed, the mind mage had ensorcelled the both of them with his powers over the mind. During the daytime hours, both of them would be forced to march with the wizard and his protege towards their inevitable destination. At night, they would be subject to a powerful, magically induced slumber that both kept them docile and prevented any means of escape. Now, they stood beside the pair, muscle and sinew betraying them as it danced to Enigma’s tune.
Though Volpes and Azurium were uncharacteristically silent during the trip back to Magistrum City, it was not for lack of trying. Like the rest of their body, their mouths were under the mind mage’s control. Considering the obvious disdain his apprentice held for both titans, barely speaking himself except in service of the journey, it was more for their protection than anything else. Now that the end was in sight, Enigma saw fit to restore the use of their vocal chords as he addressed them.
“We’ve arrived.” Though the fact was obvious to everyone, the mind mage’s words were more intended to serve as permission to speak. Feeling his voice return, Volpes took him up on his implicit offer, still bound by Enigma’s spell.
“Joy. And pray tell, what does the great detective have in store for us?” The titan allowed himself a sardonic smile at the continued absurdity of his circumstances.
“I’ll file a report and have you both sent to Rehabilitation. Take the opportunity to learn from your mistakes, and correct your behavior, and you’ll be released before you know it.”
Volpes couldn’t help but mentally note the steady and even heartrate of his captor, showing no obvious signs of deception. Yet a decade in Oplentis’s criminal underworld was more than long enough to engender skepticism.
“Rehabilitation!? You can’t be serious! I don’t need your help!”
The psionicist interjected, “What you’ve done to the people who trusted you is unacceptable. Until you learn the error of your ways, you do need help!”
To everyone’s surprise, it was Edmund who spoke up afterward, “It’s more den the both of ya deserve. Pieces of shit…”
Azurium held his head down, mustering a feeble defense. “Ed… please. I never meant to hurt you.”
“But you did! And he helped you do it. You let yourself get brainwashed just to get away from me. I don’t know what that is, dad, but it’s not love!” As the younger tigerkin spoke to his elder, his finger moved on its own, pointing directly at the sources of his ire. “At least you got to choose to be some sick fuck’s science experiment!”
“He saved your life, Ed… And gave me a way out of the guard.” Powerless as he was, Azurium lacked the will to hide the pleading in his voice, as he continue to drink of his progeny’s venom.
“I know that! What I didn’t know was that I was lying to everyone for years, telling them if they put in the work, they could be just like me. People believed it, when the truth is that I’m just a genetic freak, molded by a foxkin with a fuckin’ muscle fetish!” He turned to the so-called ‘Master’ of the Titan Syndicate. “Ya enjoyin’ this, ya shitheel!? Am I ‘xactly what ya wanted down tah the bloated biceps!?”
The two criminals had nothing to say, looking uncomfortably away from the young tigerkin. As his apprentice got worked up, Enigma saw the beginnings of storm clouds start to form in the skies above.
“The road to healing will be long and hard, for everyone involved, but we can’t start down it until we’ve made it into town. Gentleman, I ask that you all bear with me until then.”
Seeing what his professor saw in the horizon, Edmund took deep breaths to calm himself down, gathering himself before speaking further lest he say something he’ll regret. “Sure, Teach. Lead the way.”
With his captives once more in tow, obeying his silent commands, the mind mage lead his bizarre party to the gate, where two guards allowed them safe passage without a second thought. As a guard captain of Oplentis, Azurium was shocked by how painless the process was.
“They didn’t ask any questions. That’s odd.”
The chuckle that came out of Enigma’s snout couldn’t have been suppressed even if he tried.
“Those two know me well enough to know any guests of mine are safe. More importantly though, it’s not their job to control entry unless a crowd is so big that it needs to be directed. Their job is to keep beasts out of the city, not people.”
Though he could not move his body, the puzzled expression on Azurium’s face was more than enough for the mind mage. He allowed the conversation to come to a natural end as he and the three titans arrived at their destination. Situated near the main campus of the Theorum Magistrum, close to the city’s center, was a large building with a clinically white sign above the entrance labeled “Magistrum City Corrections Facility”.
The mind mage informed his prisoners. “We’re here, gentleman. Time to introduce you to Magistrum-style justice.”
It was Volpes who responded, allowing his features to twist into a snarl. “Do your worst, detective! It’ll be a vacation compared to Oplentis’s gaols.”
For the first time since they left Oplentis, Enigma let his frustrations show, gently massaging his temple. “Do you ever get tired of the bravado? There’s really no need for it. Besides, ‘my worst’ involves crushing your mind so completely you’re left a vegetable. No one wants that.”
The first titan replied, “Then what is it you do want, detective?”
And in response, the mentalist shook his head. “Doesn’t matter what I want. What matters is what you and the other big guy here want.”
“I want to make you pay for this indignity!”
“So it’s a work in progress. That’s okay.” Enigma raised his hands in a show of peace, but it was clear the titan in his grasp would have none of that. With no better way to resolve their dispute, he marched them into the building. There, a young squirrelkin woman sitting at the front desk, dressed in a coveralls, smile adorning her innocent visage, greeted them.
“Ray! Ed! I thought you two weren’t going to be back for a few more days.”
Touching the back of his neck in embarrassment, Enigma responded. “Accelerated time tables, Bets, but we finished the job all the same. I present you with Volpes, the Savior of the Downtrodden, and his second-in-command, Captain Azurium of Oplentis’s thirteenth precinct.” He waved one arm towards the two detained titans, and Bethana at once understood what was needed, sizing up her soon-to-be wards.
“We using the orichalcum restraints on these guys, Ray?” Without waiting for Enigma’s response, she started opening a drawer on the side of her desk.
“Yes, with magical reinforcement. Their strength is extraordinary, and anything less will be insufficient, at least until they’ve had time to adjust.”
Having finally calmed down, Edmund chimed in. “Ya need any help, Beth? I’d be more den ‘appy to.”
The squirrelkin sat back up. In her hands, two sets of chains, and matching collars. “No, but thanks, Ed. I got this one. Just need Professor E to move them to their holding cells. You know how it is. Need a few days to find rooms for them.”
With an understanding nod, the psiconist mentally commanded his two captives to kneel down so that they could be outfitted with their restraints, and his spell compelled their bodies to obey. As Bethana placed the collars around both Azurium’s and Volpes’s necks, the enchantments placed on them shrunk them to fit snuggly, too tight to slip off, but not tight enough to restrict movement or reduce airflow. Before she continued, the receptionist took the time to disrobe Volpes and take Azurium’s cape from him..
“Damn. They weren’t kidding. You boys take better care of yourselves than Ed does.”
Hearing Bethana’s comment, Edmund rolled his eyes, grunting in disgust. Before the young woman could ask what was wrong, the leader of the titan syndicate raised objections of his own.
“What is the meaning of this? Return my robe at once!”
Realizing her mistake, she practically grabbed at her own face in embarrassment, palm firmly affixed to her nose as her fingers covered her eyes.
“Sorry, hun. Can’t give them back until you’re fully checked-in. Need to chain your arms behind your back since you’re both flight risks, and the chains tend to catch on loose clothing. Trust me, you’ll be more comfortable this way.”
Since both of them knew they had no other choice, Azurium peered directly into Volpes’s eyes solemnly. “Mast… Volpes. Just let it go. Trust me, they’re being kind compared to what Oplentis does in its prisons.”
At the mention of the word “prison”, Bethana winced. “This isn’t a prison, you two. It’s a clinic. I know it isn’t the warmest welcome, but we’re not here to make your lives worse.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Despite his words, the way Azurium held his head down and away from the receptionist, and the sullen tone of his voice, made plain his skepticism.
Knowing that there was no convincing either of the two criminals in front of her, Beth simply moved on to the next part of the job.
“Alright, Ray. We have some empty holding cells by the Drunk Tank. I already had them magically reinforced, so it should hold these two, even if they’re as tough as you said they were. Right this way.”
Exchanging glances, Enigma began to lead his party, following behind the squirrelkin. Once the both of them were seated in their cells, she waved her hands. Flaring to life, the chains on the backs of their collars slammed into plates on the walls of each cell, forcefully binding themselves to the building.
“They’re both secure. You can let go now, Ray.”
Hearing his co-worker’s confirmation, the mentalist released his hold on the two titans. Azurium experimentally tugged at his chains briefly, before realizing that even his strength wasn’t enough to break free. Volpes’s violent thrashing yielded similar result, before he too realized it was a waste of time.
“How long must we suffer this indignity!?” The fox-titan’s teeth were barred at the young receptionist, and though he could tell from her heartbeat that she was scared, she stood her ground firm, unflinching.
“I told you a few days, but that’s an upper estimate. We’re hoping to have rooms prepared for you both midday tomorrow. We need to make sure the foundations are strong enough to hold.”
Azurium scoffed, “You mean you need to make sure we can’t escape.”
Bethana could only shake her head in exasperation. “‘Walkers among us… Ray, what did you do to these guys?”
The detective shrugged his response. “Wasn’t me, Bets. But I can’t blame them. I’ve seen the inside of an Oplentian gaol. It’s not pleasant. They don’t know what Magistrum justice is like, forgive them their skepticism.”
A smirk showed itself on Volpes’s face. “I studied here twenty years ago, detective, before you took your first class.. I know how it works.”
It was Enigma’s turn to express exasperation. “You never even saw the inside of this room, even before it was renovated. You were a model student… at least until you faked your own death because you were afraid the ethics board was about to crack down on your research.”
Knowing he couldn’t argue the point, the titan began to grumble. “That’s…”
Enigma cut him off by putting out his palm. “Let it go, Volpes. I’m too tired to argue the point. Come on, Ed. We both deserve some rest.”
Bethana chimed in. “Definitely. See ya, Ray. We got it from here.”
Edmund nodded, without saying a word. As he turned to follow his teacher out of the facility, his father called to him.
“I love you, son.”
Stopping to turn around, there was only one thing Edmund could think to say to his father.
“Fuck. You.”
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