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The Next Steps

LittleBadWolf coming in again with the swift turnaround for this one. We’re inching closer and closer to the conclusion of The Case of the Titan Syndicate now, just a few more threads that need to be tied up.

Oddly enough, the thing I remember most vividly from writing this chapter is researching for the materials needed to make one’s own soap. As an alchemist, I thought it would be a nice detail for Volpes to make his own soap and shampoo, but to do that I needed to make sure I was speaking with some degree of authority.

A month had passed since the day Azurium was released from the Magistrum and ever since the former crime lord Volpes had been hard at work making amends to the people he wronged. Now that the cure to his brainwashing was public knowledge, it was being produced in sufficient quantities by the Alchemist’s Guild to cure all of the titans under his sway.

Some, like formerly corrupt Oplentian guards, had their own rehabilitation to work through before they could be released, but most of his organization were just ordinary people looking to correct the power imbalance within Oplentian society. Of this group, many were content with their experience working under the alchemist. Many more felt betrayed by his lack of trust, and still others had more complex, nuanced thoughts on the matter that yet needed to be processed. As they were slowly admitted into Magistrum City Corrections, the sheer scale of the problem began to make itself clear.

To that end, Bethana, the young squirrelkin charged with the facility’s day-to-day upkeep, had important news for him. She entered his room, wheeling in the cart that carried his breakfast and the raw materials he needed to make his toiletries. After placing the meal tray on his dining table, she knelt over the pallet next to his workstation, where she dropped off the lye, oil, and berries necessary to brew more homemade soaps and shampoos. Still crouching, her voice broke the silence.

“We’ve finally settled on the terms of your release, Volpes.”

The crime lord himself was sitting at his desk, reading from a book he had checked out of the facility’s library. Though the two usually made small talk whenever she arrived to perform her duties, he rarely brought himself to look up when addressing her. This time, however, what she said was enough to draw his attention away from the text, his eyes firmly planted on the attendant.

“Still pretending I’m not a prisoner?” With the wry tone of his voice, both of them knew it was more a jest than a serious allegation.

Despite that, Bethana couldn’t help but roll her eyes as she continued. “Haha. Very funny. But I’m serious. Get this done, and you’re free to go. No questions asked.”

“And what would you have me do, little one?” He suppressed a giggle as Bethana’s face began to puff up.

“First off. I’m not little. You’re just a giant. Second, we’ve agreed to let you out, but only once at least three-fourths of your titans have been discharged.” If Volpes had any feelings on the matter, he suppressed them well behind his poker face.

“So you want me to help you heal the damage I caused? And if I do, I can just walk out of here?”

“Yeah. Any objections?”

Breaking eye contact with her, the titan returned to his book, before answering her inquiry.

“No. I agree to your terms. Once Az gets back, we’ll discuss our plan of approach.”

Volpes didn’t need to see it with his eyes to know the rehab clerk was breathing a sigh of relief.

“Sure. Glad to see the two of you are still going strong.”

Listening to her exit the room, shutting the door softly behind her, he closed his book, rising slowly out of his chair to transition to his workstation. With Bethana already on the other side of his door, heading to her next patient, his reply was meant more for his own ears than it was for the young attendant.

“As am I, Bethana. As am I.”

Luckily, he was off to a strong start. The faction that was content with how things played out, eager to return to their home city to fight the good fight, consisted of a full quarter of his titans. As a reward for good behavior, their former master was issued a communicator he could use to keep in touch and coordinate with them as they renewed their efforts to protect their loved ones.

Still, that left him cooped up in a rehabilitation center with the remainder, all of whom had reasons to be wary of him.

There was nothing he could do for the guards that he had used Azurium to brainwash. He chose them all because they were some of the cruelest, nastiest patrolmen to walk the streets, and redirecting their misplaced aggression to the power structures at work was the only way to neutralize the harm they’d inflict.

At least, that’s what the alchemist thought at the time. Newly freed from his control, even he would confess that giving such strength to such cruelty was not the wisest move in the long term. And now they were a part of the group he was tasked with rehabilitating. What was he to do with them?

Such were the thoughts swimming through his head while in the middle of his archery practice in the center’s training grounds. As a citizen of Oplentis, Volpes was initially shocked that inmates were allowed access to such a well-equipped facility, but Bethana explained to him that there was enchantment placed upon it that prevented anyone inside from sustaining permanent injuries. During the day, it would be common for people to come in a spar or train with weapons and magic.

However, since the facility was open at all times, the foxkin and his near tireless mind often used the afternoons and evenings to practice, when the place was sparsely occupied. Drawing back the bowstring, the hood of his robe pulled up to bring himself into the right head space for shooting, he heard a familiar voice.

“I thought criminals were supposed to grow soft in confinement. You’ve still got the deadeye.”

The arrow had struck true. Not only had it struck the bullseye, but it had struck one of the arrows he had let loose in his last volley, fusing with it from the force of the impact.

“I had a good drill master.” The oversized foxkin grinned knowingly.

“Aw, flattery will get you everywhere, babe.” Azurium, his long-time partner and, as of a few months ago, his mate, had finally returned from his assignment with the forest rangers. Eagerly, the tigerkin rushed in for a hug and a nuzzle, holding his favorite former crime boss tight as a vice, in the way only a titan could. Though the bow in Volpes’s hand made it awkward to return the gesture, both of them managed to remain in each other’s arms.

“I take it ranger work agrees with you, Az?” He didn’t need to ask. Azurium’s body language told him the whole story. And yet, it was only polite to give his better half a chance to vocalize his feelings.

“Never been happier, Volpes. I’ve got the man and the job of my dreams, and a chance to reconnect with my boy. And from what Bets was saying, it’s only a matter of time until you’re free.” The old soldier could barely contain himself. Even after releasing each other, from the way Azurium was practically bouncing on his feet, it was clear that he was overcome with joy.

“So she told you. I just need to help most of us get cleared for release, then I’m out.” Though the fox maintained a brave front, his partner, as always, saw right through it.

“C’mon. You’re Volpes, the devious criminal mastermind. And I’m your military advisor. Together, we can do this. We can do anything.”

And just like that, all of his worries felt so trivial. As always, his partner was mostly right. Mostly, but not completely.

“You’re right. Volpes, as always, is a miracle worker. That won’t change. But I think this time, I should handle this alone. You should focus on your rangers and your son.”

Azurium knew well enough that this was one of those times when his mate would refuse to change his mind, but nonetheless, he had to ask. “Are you sure? If you ever need my help, I’m here for you. I’ll always be here for you.”

Nodding in affirmation, the former crime lord spoke. “I know, Az. You’ve been my rock for a long time now. And yet, if this is to work, we both need to take care of our unfinished business. We won’t be able to move on otherwise.”

Patting his former boss on the shoulder, Azurium gave him a gentle smile and one last hug. “Then I’ll leave you to it, partner. I look forward to spending the rest of my life with you.”

He returned the gesture, then once more drew his bow, taking aim at the target. “You too.”

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