The Next Chapter
They say that the best way to improve one’s own writing and creativity is to go out, immersing oneself in new experiences to grow a deeper understanding of the world.
Sitting at his desk in his apartment in Mist, just outside of the coastal pirate city of Limsa Lominsa, Rabrandt brings truth to this nugget of folk wisdom. Penning yet another volume in his bestselling series, he can practically see the world of knights and legends fly off the page and into the imaginations of his readers. He knows, story flowing through him and onto the paper, that it is nearly ready to send to his editor.
Perhaps one day he’ll reveal that Mystel Fray is just a pen name for the world-famous Rabrandt Razorclaw, but for now, he’s content to know that his compositions stand on their own.
This piece from LittleBadWolf in March of 2024 was another one perfect for my FF XIV character, since he is an author in his spare time.
Mystel Fray, in case you’re curious, is a reference to the Dark Knight quest line, which is my personal favorite job quest in the game.
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