The In-Between Adventure
It might be hard to believe, but even between teaching, adventuring, and detective work, there are moments where Enigma takes time for himself to relax and just enjoy himself in the present. Sure, he could choose to sojourn at a warmer clime in a faraway plane if he wanted to, but Crossroads is home, and the winter months are a comfort to the wolf.
Besides, there’s no better time to relax given the dual celebrations of the Solstice Festival and New Year’s Advent. Though most students at the Magistrum are away, visiting families and relatives, those that choose to remain take the time to decorate and share in each other’s company.
Watching from his own private quarters, with a cup of hot cocoa and a book, Enigma can’t help but smile. No matter how far he may travel, there’s simply no place like home. Not all adventures need be grand, sweeping epics. Sometimes, the in-between moments, the simpler times, can serve as their own adventures.
Among all of the pieces they have drawn for me, this one from LittleBadWolf back in December of 2021 ranks highly among my personal favorites.
I’m always on the lookout for ways to explore the more mundane moments in my characters’ lives. It’s easy to overlook the kind of world-building one can do by giving focus to an otherwise quiet, unremarkable occasion. In this case, Enigma is exactly the kind of person on a cold winter’s day who would snuggle up with a good book and peer outside to people-watch from his apartment building with a contented smile upon his face, hot chocolate or coffee in hand. It mimics the kind of evening I would envision for myself were I a student or staff member of the Magistrum.
And as a bonus, because LittleBadWolf was proud of their work on this piece, they gave me another version of it without the snow and cold obscuring the work. Neither I nor they ever posted it to our respective galleries, so this is the first time it’s even been shown.

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