The Fencing Lesson
The story that goes with the piece from LittleBadWolf back in May of 2021 is intended to be a supplement to the original trio of stories that depict Enigma learning how to use a sword. Since Edmund is an athlete and street brawler who is also going through combat training, and is better suited to it, he’s willing to help his professor practice.
It was a good opportunity both to show Edmund’s eagerness to help other people improve and Enigma’s willingness and humility to allow others to teach him without letting pride or prestige get in the way. Edmund is the better fighter, so of course he should learn from the tigerkin despite being the Master.
Both combatants stood in silence, weapons drawn and pointed at the other. On one side, a tall, lean wolfkin with brown hair in a brilliant cyan tunic connecting to a waistcloth, covering the seams of his brown breaches, flanked on either side by polished metal faulds. His sapphire cape billowing at his backside, connected to his frame by an adorning golden tassel. Bright yellow eyes trained on the tiger.
Shorter, yet broadly, heavily muscled, the feline’s outfit lacked the finer trimmings of his opponent, though he didn’t need them. Protecting his modesty was a cloth wrapping, resembling the bandages wrapped around his calves. Above that, a singular, elegantly woven, lightly adorned fabric, tied to his waste, covered the front while leaving the sides and legs of his impressive physique entirely exposed. Similar to the wolf, his cape fell from his back, stitched onto the front side as a single piece. The shock of yellow hair, formed into a fauxhawk, contrasted with the bright green eyes staring back at the wolf. Both looking for an opening.
It was he who broke the silence. “Teach, if you want to learn, you’ll need to make a move at some point.”
“And I will… at the right moment.”
In response, the tiger, Edmund, shifted his weight to lurch forward, towards his instructor. As the sword plunged towards him, Enigma the wolf began to react in turn. Lowering himself to the ground, he committed himself fully to the counterattack as he moved to duck the blade.
The protege began to smile. By the time the mind mage realized his error, it was too late. Edmund had already begun to move back into a neutral position, with plenty of time to intercept his lupine adversary with a flick of his weapon, knocking the blade out of his mentor’s hand before pushing him with his free hand onto the ground.
As Enigma started to pick himself off the ground, the tiger offered him a hand. Accepting the offer, the young professor couldn’t help but smile despite the circumstances. Picking up his weapon, he placed it in his scabbard before motioning for his feline companion to do the same. Sitting down on a nearby bench, they each began to drink from their canteens before Edmund spoke.
“You’re a mess without your magic but you’re getting better, Teach.”
Swallowing his water, the mind mage smiled to himself. “It’s weird for you to call me ‘Teach’ when you’re the one instructing me.”
“Alright then, Enigma.”
“Much better. And thanks for helping me out, Edmund.”
Curling his free hand into a bicep flex, the younger tiger could only smile, “Anytime, man. After all you’ve done for me, it’s the least I can do.”
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September 29, 2024 at 2:47 am