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The Beast From Below

The Harvest Season has arrived once more at the Theorem Magistrum, and the spooky celebrations have begun in earnest. And as always, Enigma is more than happy to give his Companion a chance to be in the spotlight since this is one of the few times a year where he gets to have fun around people.

This year, the symbiotic creature (with the help of his host’s silver tongue) took up a job at a “haunted graveyard” tour set up by the school, popping out of mock graves in order to startle and frighten daring students and guests eager to prove their bravery to their peers.

Perhaps some mutagenic compound changed the corpses as they lay buried beneath the ground. Or perhaps the beast comes from deeper below… from the very depths of the hells. Whatever story the proprietor chose to spin, you can bet Companion was able to sell it to the shrieks of joy and terror from his audience.

There’s not much of a story to this one. It was October 2023, almost Halloween, I saw a YCH from LittleBadWolf, and figured this was a golden opportunity to get a spooky piece for the occasion.

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