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A muscular tiger with blond hair and emerald green eyes is wear boxing gear with a tightrope and a crowd of cheering fans behind him.

Teach Said Knock You Out

“I’ve gone to watch a few of his matches. It’s clear that he’s having fun in his own way. As to your question, as long as it doesn’t distract from his studies and he keeps out of trouble, I don’t truly care what Edmund does in his spare time. That’s none of my business.”

– Rabrandt “Enigma” Cyanis

A bit of an unplanned pseudo-sequel to the crossover art I got with my friend, Feng. This one was actually something akin to a fan piece. An artist named Variri reached out to me saying they liked my characters and wanted to draw them. After they picked Edmund, I set them a few links and reference and they came back with this.

I’m really happy with how it turned out!

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