Tales of New Adventures
As a young man, Rabrandt grew up in a poor fishing/farming village on the outskirts of Bozja. During those early years, he was largely illiterate, unable to read or write because his family never had the time or money to afford such luxuries. For all its numerous faults, the Garlean occupation, and the standard education afforded to all of its subjects, changed that. It’s no exaggeration to say that his exposure to the arts is what started his never-ending wanderlust, and set him on the path to joining the Garlean military all those years old.
Even today, a celebrity for his role in averting The Final Days along with his fellow Scion, wanderlust ever guiding him onto new journeys, that love of reading and storytelling instilled into him remains strong. Only these days, he’s writing his own stories, taking inspiration from a life of travels and tribulations. It is said that he has amassed a small fortune penning such works, suitable for children and adults of all ages, always under this or that pseudonym.
Of course, he imagines part of the reason his books sell so well is that he’s the only person in all of Eoreza capable of publishing them on two completely separate worlds. Here, in the peace of the Crystarium’s Cabinet of Curiosity, he toils away in his spare time between adventures and training, working on his next great tale!
Xzeres is an artist I came across on Twitter than it very good at drawing Hrothgars from Final Fantasy XIV, so when they opened in February of 2023 I had to take advantage of the opportunity.
This is also one of the few times I told a fully original lore tidbit for my character without regurgitating lore from the game, making a good opportunity to imbue Rabrandt with some form of personality. And in that sense, it’s no surprise that I would choose to make my character a writer with a love of fiction. I suppose the apple does not fall far from the tree.
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