Shrouded Justice
As a Reaper, Rabrandt fights alongside a demonic entry from another world, a voidsent. Their covenant empowers him beyond his normal capabilities in exchange for a portion of both his own aether and aether from the enemies he fights. For them, it is an equitable and mutually beneficial partnership.
And as part of that covenant, he can merge his flesh with his voidsent avatar, transforming himself into a demon capable of wreaking devastation upon the battlefield. Lest you worry, he’s still in control of himself no matter how scary and nightmarish he might otherwise look, and would never visit this power upon an innocent person.
Yet another piece from LittleBadWolf, this time from September of 2022, is another in the long line of regurgitating Final Fantasy XIV lore in my own words. Perhaps not the most creative exercise, but it was useful to keep myself writing.
Thankfully, the art itself more than makes up for it, which a spooky, terrifying visage perfect for a demon-possessed Reaper.
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December 2, 2024 at 4:04 am