Reaper, Reaper
He had heard the rumors back in his days as a Garlean soldier: Those who overcame their lack of magical ability by forming pacts with the creatures of the void. Back then, he had considered them ghost stories, nothing more than fairy tales meant to terrify young children into compliance.
“Be good, or the Reapers will come to claim your soul.”
But even ghost stories have a kernel of truth to them, it seemed. Scythe in hand, voidsent at his side, Rabrandt has become the next in a new generation of wielders of this great power. Those who threaten the safety of the Source will know the threat of the crimson harvest.
This one comes courtesy of DanSyron back in September of 2021. To this day, this piece remains my background on my laptop computer.
At the time this was commissioned, Endwalker had not yet dropped, but Reaper had been revealed as one of the two new jobs. Obviously, the premise of the job captured me in almost immediately, especially since Dark Knight is already a very “edgy” job. When I saw Dan had opened up, I jumped on the opportunity. The results speak for themselves. As I’ve told him, this looks like it could be official art.
Since this was also a point before the job had dropped into the game, this is one of the rare instances where I made up this piece of FF XIV fan-fiction from wholecloth, using the backstory I had already established with Rabrandt as a former Garlean soldier. It’s something I need to do more of as I continue working with the character.
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November 3, 2024 at 1:19 am