Pushing One’s Limits
The life of an adventurer isn’t always fraught with excitement and peril, not even for a Champion of Eorzea. There will always be downtime, either when work dries up or there’s a need to decompress from the heartache that comes with the job.
And yet, that’s never an excuse to sit on one’s laurels, as Rabrandt knows too well. It’s times like these you can find him taking advantage of the facilities at his apartment complex in Mist, including a fully furnished gym. That is when he’s not wandering the streets in his home city of Limsa Lominsa.
He might look intense, but don’t be frightened. He’s just focused on pushing his limits as far as he possibly can. For the Scions, there’s always a new world-ending threat right around the corner. To that end, a Warrior of Light must needs be prepared to handle any situation.
Besides, that greatsword isn’t going to swing itself.
When I saw this YCH open up from LittleBadWolf in June of 2020, I knew I wanted it for my muscle-bound Dark Knight. Something I enjoy thinking about is what characters do on their down time. If part of the job involves routinely saving other people from large, world-ending threats, it would only be natural that some amount of time would be dedicated to keeping in fighting shape. We never see the amenities of the apartment buildings, so for all we know there’s a gym available to tenants.
I’m surprised at how many pictures of my Hrothgar I commissioned in such a short timespan though. We even have another one that came out immediately after this.
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