Not All Lessons Can Be Fun
When it comes to hands-on learning, Edmund is one of the sharpest students in Enigma’s classes, able to quickly grasp core concepts and their practical application. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said of Edmund when it comes to lectures and magical theory. He knows better than to cause any trouble, or to tune out, but it’s difficult for the young man to listen to his professor discuss the more abstract aspects of magic without growing bored.
For his part, Enigma doesn’t take any joy in forcing students to sit through a long lecture either and strives to keep them as brief as possible. Not everything can be taught hands-on though, and this is the trade-off to ensure his students get a well-rounded and complete education.
That doesn’t mean his apprentice needs to be happy about it though.
This piece from Marsel-Defender back in October of 2021 shows another side to the teacher/student relationship. As the title says, not all lessons can be fun.
And poor Edmund isn’t the kind of person who enjoys sitting through a dull lecture, even when he knows the material is important.
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