Memory Extraction
A custom MTG card designed using that piece I just gushed about.
This is another time where the art was commissioned specifically for the card. At the time, Magic the Gathering Standard was in the middle of the third Ravnica block, which would later culminate in War of the Spark. I was playing Dimir, as is my nature, and Thought Erasure and Thief of Sanity were some of my favorite cards in those colors.
I asked myself why couldn’t we combine these effects and creature a unique spin on them, and thus Memory Extraction was born. The raw text of the card never changed, but it started life as a two-mana card much like Thought Erasure. I know I did a good job with it because when my commander playgroup did custom commander night, and I played this card in my 99, and a few people in the group were surprised to learn this was a custom card.
Of course, Wizards of the Coast would later make similar cards too, which is only further proof my idea had merit.
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