The plane of Crossroads, and the Theorum Magistrum that serves as its primary educational institution, is host to numerous people of all different species and demographics. Below are some of the most notable citizens who take center stage in our tale.
Rabrandt “Enigma” Cyanis

(Art by LittleBadWolf)
Born with a natural affinity for psionics, a school of magic involving manipulation of the mind and senses, Rabrandt Cyanis was the son of a traveling merchant family before attending school at the Theorem Magistrum. By honing his craft, and supplementing it with an education in science and psychology, he has grown to be the best and most famous detective on Crossroads. This feat has earned him the moniker “Enigma”.
And in the act of solving the case that earned him his fame, he awakened to a power to cross over into myriad other worlds, becoming a planeswalker.
Having achieved such accolades at his relatively young age, he takes the time between adventures to teach others at the school that refined his own instincts to a razor’s edge. By all accounts, Enigma is well-loved and respected by his students, who respect his no-nonsense brand of kindness and professionalism.
Despite the combination of adventuring, case work, and classes, the mind mage still finds time to hone his body through parkour training and his mind by voraciously reading books, both fiction and non-fiction.
Edmund Azurium

(Art by Toughset on FA/Twitter/BlueSky)
A young college-aged refugee who escaped life on the streets of Oplentis, a city of corrupt magi, Edmund is a burly street brawler with a strong sense of justice and a cleverness that belies his outward appearance.
It was that latter quality that attracted the attention of the greatest detective of the plane. As they met in Magistrum City, Enigma deduced that the boy had potential, and offered to train him as his personal apprentice and eventual successor.
For Edmund, it was a stroke of luck in more ways than one. As clever as he was, he wasn’t quite skilled enough to crack the case that rests at the heart of much of his baggage: Why did his father abandon him?

(Art by LittleBadWolf)
Despite his charming personality and looks, Edmund initially had some difficulty fitting into his new surroundings at the Theorem Magistrum. Even though he was a nerdy kid at heart, his physique intimidated the same type of people he wished to befriend.
That is, until he met Mortimer, a fellow student (albeit in a different program) who was more than happy to incorporate Edmund into his friend group. The two hit it off, becoming fast friends and eventual romantic partners.
Though the rabbitkin has his own struggles with doubt and self-confidence, his new boyfriend encourages him to push through them to show the world the handsome and caring young man that lies beneath the surface.

(Art by Deriaz on FA/Twitter/BlueSky)
Once a frail orphan on the streets of Oplentis, a young fox managed to escape the corruption around him, making his way to Magistrum City as a refugee. There, he found within himself a skill at mixing potions and poultices through studying Alchemy.
In the course of his study, he discovered a formula that could transform the one who consumed it. By his calculations, they would grow in size, stature, and strength, become immune to harsh weather conditions and disease, and quickly heal from all but the most lethal injuries. Unfortunately, the board of ethics barred him from testing on sapient races until he could complete a more rigorous review.
Unwilling and unable to wait, he became the first test subject, and subsequently went missing.
Years later, a fox would come to the city of Oplentis, larger than many of the people around him. Calling himself Volpes, he used his knowledge of medicine to run a free clinic in the poorer districts. But is that all that this “Volpes” is up to? Is there a greater machination at work?
Only Volpes himself could say.
Captain Bartholomew Azurium

(Art by Marsel-Defender)
A decorated veteran of the Oplentian military and father of one, Azurium’s reputation comes from his skill and leadership in fighting the large beasts and war machines that are commonplace on Crossroads. His efforts are a large reason why the city of Oplentis remained safe from such threats…
…until his wife Clara, also an officer, became pregnant with their child. When she died in child birth, Bartholomew took up a post as Captain of the city guard to take better care of his kid.
One day in the course of his patrols, he went missing. Months later, he returned with significant gains in height and muscle, and wearing a patch over his eye. When asked, he told his guardsmen that his eye was injured beyond repair during the intense training that granted him his new physique.
Whatever his precinct thought of his explanation, they didn’t ask for further clarification. However, whenever people expressed interest in going through that training, he was more than happy to introduce them to the person who helped him achieve such miraculous results.
Strangely enough, even after his return, he never went back home to see the child he took up guard duty to care for in the first place.
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