In Captivity – Part 3(/3)
At last, the final part of In Captivity, illustrated once more by the incredible LittleBadWolf. And yet, not the end of The Cast of the Titan Syndicate.
We’re close though. Not many more stories left until the Case can be closed.
A few mornings later, a representative from the alchemist’s guild indeed came to collect the recipe, just as promised. Handing it over, Volpes could feel a tension he didn’t realize he was holding onto start to leave his body. It was out of his hands now. The cure for his brainwashing was known, and whatever happened as a result was no longer in his control.
All that remained was for them to confirm he was telling the truth, and for the young wolfkin detective to hold up his end of the deal. In the mid-afternoon of that same day, the crime lord and his feline second-in-command were called to at the time of their regular appointments, but instead of their usual routine of splitting to separate therapists, they were called in tandem to the same room in the facility’s counseling wing.
Entering the room, the red foxkin-titan understood at once the true purpose of this appointment. Gone were the faces of the mental health professionals that he and Azurium regularly connected with. Instead, Detective Enigma sat on top of the desk by the window. To his side stood the same alchemist from before, a slender black-furred ratkin wearing a thick apron and gloves over otherwise plain clothes. None of that drew Volpes’s attention more than the bottle in his hand. The cure for his brainwashing was no easy brew, but it was clear from the sight of the deep-pink liquid alone that the alchemist’s guild had already succeeded.
Staring at two titans, pensively resting his left hand upon his chin, Enigma broke the ice. “I hope I don’t have to explain why we called you both here.”
Before either of them had a chance to think, Azurium wrapped his arms around the man who changed his life, emitting another gentle purr to reassure him everything was going to be okay. And yet, that did nothing to stop the giant vulpine’s stomach lurching, nor his fur standing on end as nerves ran their course.
But both of them had already made their choices, so the former guard captain let go of his Master and marched forward.
“Give it to me.”
Turning to the ratkin by his side, the grey wolfkin detective nodded in assent, and without uttering a single word the potion was handed over to Azurium. With his muzzle and ears pointed firmly down at the floor, the foxkin spoke up at last.
“Drink the entire vial, Az. Don’t leave a single drop.”
Whether through mental suggestion or his own free will, he did as commanded, gulping down the entire bottle until there was naught but residue remaining. He clutched his head with one hand, wincing in discomfort, lurching ever so slightly as his partner-in-crime took his turn to provide succor. By wrapping his arms around the tigerkin, Volpes served the dual purpose of holding Azurium tight while keeping him upright as he recovered his sense of balance.
“I’m here for you, Az. You’ll be fine, just give the medicine a moment to work.”
And like clockwork, almost in response to the words, Azurium regained his balance and composure, releasing the grip he had on his temple. With his eyes aglow, Enigma witnessed the whole ordeal as only a mind mage could, mental connections deforming and reforming before his eyes..
“Looks like it worked. Your mind is now your own.”
Releasing his grip on his former partner, the ex-crime boss couldn’t bear to hold his question in a moment longer.
“Az… How are you feeling?”
With his superior sense, he could feel what Azurium was thinking before the old tiger turned around to tell him.
“As grateful to you now as I was the day you cured my boy. No, even more so.”
The two titans held each other close. And as they did, Enigma signaled to his contact from the Alchemist’s Guild.
“Thank you for your time, Frederick. Give my regards to your guildmates.”
“Anytime, Enigma. You know where to find me if you need anything else.”
Nodding to each other, the ratkin exited the room, leaving the two criminals alone with the detective who hauled them in. After giving them a moment to bask in each other’s love and respect, the detective interrupted with a fake cough.
“There’s still the matter of my end of our bargain, and I’d like to keep it if you two don’t mind.”
The way both of their ears perked up, bright red on the inside, the psionicist could tell that if beastkin could blush, their faces would be flush right this moment. Nonetheless, Azurium stepped forward, presenting his wrists, still wearing the bands that kept him in line during his rehabilitation.
“Do what ya have to do, detective.”
Waving a hand over the bands, the mage recited the words from memory.
“With the authority of Magistrum City Corrections, I hereby release you, Bartholomew Azurium. As of this day, you freely walk the streets of this fair city.”
Sigils appeared over the bands before shattering like glass. The wristwear itself fell to the ground with a loud thump, and Azurium was free to massage the impressions they left on his arms.
“Thanks, detective. But if it’s all the same to you, I’d like to stay here in Corrections until Volpes is able to walk free.”
Volpes’s eyes almost bulged out of their sockets.
“Az. Don’t. You don’t need to do this.”
“With all due respect, boss. It’s not your choice. It’s mine.”
Despite his defeat, the vulpine couldn’t help but give a genuine smile.
“Yes. You’re right. You’re always right.”
Tempting as it was to let the moment linger once more, Enigma couldn’t help but think of the other appointments on his calendar, eyes glancing over to the clock in the room.
“I can permit you to remain in your room. That’s simple enough. But you understand that the watch can’t make exceptions. And for the sake of the other wards, Bethana will still need to enforce curfew. Even as a free man, you’ll need to turn in at the same time as everyone else staying here does. If you leave the facility and return late, they’ll lock you out. Knowing all this, are you sure this is what you want?”
“Yes, sir. For the first time in a long time, I can say that confidently.”
“So be it then. With that, I must away. Hopefully the next time we speak, we’ll be able to set both of you free.”
In unison, they both spoke. “Farewell, detective.”
“And farewell to you.”
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