Hitching a Ride
The one constant of life on the road, no matter which plane one finds themselves on, is that the benevolence of strangers can get you far. Literally in this case, as the Great Detective finds himself hitching a ride on a kindly farmer’s wagon to the nearest major city, where he can begin to explore the culture of the area in greater detail.
For the farmer’s part, they were content merely to enjoy the company on the way to town, and a bit of casual conversation as this strange wolfkin asked him questions about the area and the locals. He was an odd character to say the least, but a pleasant one.
Another YCH from LittleBadWolf, from August of 2023
This one was simple. I tend to be more optimistic about human nature than a lot of other people I come across, and that’s mostly because people in my life do tend to want the best for their fellows. Be kind to your fellows, and they’ll be kind to you.
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