Enigma’s First Reference
This was my first reference sheet I ever commissioned for Enigma, drawn by FenrirWolfen (FA/Twitter) back in December of 2017.
While the core concept of a Planeswalking Detective/Mind Mage was cemented here, and remains a core part of the character to this day, much of the actual stated lore on the page has either been reworked or completed thrown out at one point or another. At this point, I had not put any serious time into writing story for my characters and it shows.
It’s almost strange to look at this, and know that it was penned by my hand almost 7 years ago as of the time of writing. I’ve come farther than I thought I did.
However, there are a few things here that I am willing to point out as “fun facts” regarding the names I used.
- Rabrandt is a name I give whenever a video game asks me to name my character. It comes from taking my real name and adding a fantasy twist to it, though I find it also works well in most other settings.
- Cyanis refers to the fact that Enigma was still conceived as a white/blue aligned character. “Cyan” is often described as a light (or white) blue color, so that was the basis for the name.
- “Enigma” is the handle I made for myself in some vain attempt to sound edgy. At the time I made my FA account, I figured I would remain on the edges of the furry fandom and lurk without participating. Thus, I would be an “enigma” to the fandom at large. Clearly, I was mistaken. Fortunately, since I was going for a detective character anyway out of my love for murder mysteries, it wasn’t difficult to adapt that name into something less cringe.
Transcript Below:
Traveling throughout the multiverse, Rabrandt “Enigma” Cyanis seeks to unravel mysteries both big and small in order to develop a further understanding of both himself and other people. He eventually earned the nickname “Enigma” by solving cases that even the most experienced sleuths and detectives were unable to solve on their own.
Growing up in academia, surrounded by books and researchers, Enigma has always had a love for higher learning. In time, he found that there was only so much to be discovered from old tomes and laboratories, putting the skills and practices from his years of study to practical use in solving other peoples problems.
While cooperating with local authorities whenever possible, Enigma knows the difference between right and wrong and won’t worry if doing the right thing involves getting in the way of law enforcement. In his view, violence isn’t something to be taken lightly, and should only be used when all other options have been exhausted.
Aside from his scientific and academic acumen, Enigma’s Planeswalker spark ignited when an otherwise ordinary investigation took a turn for the dark, and he found himself on the brink of madness. Along with the ability to travel the multiverse, Enigma awakened to the unique ability to manipulate, read, and bolster the minds of both himself and those around him. As someone who spends much of his time wrapped in intrigue or deep contemplation, Enigma has found much use for these new powers. As a direct result of his ignition, Enigma’s world has expended more than he ever thought possible.
Scientific Method
Mind reading/manipulation
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