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Edmund’s Beach Body

“Drink it in, Morty. I know how much ya love it!”

Mortimer could only smile, his plan coming together perfectly. As the pack on his back slipped off, gently impacting the sand next to Edmund’s, he grinned. Though his boyfriend’s chiseled musculature posing in front of him was certainly a pleasing view, they both knew there was far more to the warmth behind his expression.

When he reached out to Professor Rabrandt with the idea to take Edmund out on a trip to the beach, it was surprisingly easy to convince him to let his apprentice take a few days off of his training. Perhaps too easy, since the wolfkin already had a destination in mind. Handing him two round-trip teleportation tickets, Enigma sanctioned their trip to the republic on the Western continent of Crossroads, known for its tropical climate.

The tigerkin had already been well on his way to his old, cheerful self, and watching him now it was clear that this trip was going to take him the rest of the way.

This piece from Marsel-Defender, commissioned as a YCH back in September of 2023 and uploaded on my end in January of 2024, began what would become a series of short stories, vignettes and YCHs that I would come to refer to as “Edmund and Morty’s Beach Vacation”.

It happened fairly organically, without any planning from my part. I suppose I had just grown comfortable writing the two of them by this point.

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