Edmund, God of Thunder
After returning from one of his “sabbaticals”, Enigma regaled his students with tales he picked up from his adventures. Of particular interest to his most dedicated apprentice was the tale of a god of thunder, who channeled his power through a magical hammer.
Edmund, with the magic and the body necessary to pull off the look, immediately set out to breathe life into the legend. Fortunately for him, the artificers at the Magistrum were more than capable of creating a hammer that was capable of withstanding and absorbing his lighting. Sure, it wasn’t quite the same as the god’s legendary hammer, but no one was complaining.
The awe-inspiring display was on everyone’s lips the next day. Whatever his peers think of him, there’s no denying that Edmund stands out among his peers, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
This piece was the first I commissioned from the YCHs offered by the artist Skyflu, back in February of 2021.
It’s one of little lore tidbits that perfectly encapsulates so many little details in one scene. He’s a big guy who likes to show off, but he’s also a mage with potent storm magics and a flair for the dramatic.
And yet, he couldn’t have thought to pull a stunt like this if Enigma wasn’t a planeswalker who traveled to other worlds and learned about their cultures, to take home to the Magistrum. Additionally, the fact that there’s a group of artificers capable of making a hammer like that, which can conduct electricity, implies some leveling of technological advancement.
For such a small “blurb”, there’s a lot of detail and hooks that one could use to feed into further fiction.
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