Conducting the Storm
“Attempting to control your powers with my level of precision will only backfire. Compared to the magics I wield, yours are significantly more fierce and primal in their expression. Rather than force your will upon the wind and lightning, it is your charge to gently guide it’s expression, so that you might achieve your desired results.”
– Rabrandt “Enigma” Cyanis, to his apprenticeThe words of his mentor rang in his head as he set to work. Though the tempest before him was not one of his own creation, he was not without power. Lightning could be coaxed towards mana reservoirs and away from the defenseless. Waves and wind made to glance harmlessly on unoccupied shores.
Through coordination, a fierce cacophony can be transformed into a beautiful melody.
Another beautiful YCH from Marsel-Defender, back in September of 2020, that fit too perfectly for Edmund to pass up.
The concept behind the piece is that a naturally occurring tropical storm was about to make landfall and devastate a coastal settlement. Knowing he’s capable, Enigma sends Edmund as a form of harm reduction. Though the storm mage can’t prevent it from hitting, he can blunt and soften the blow to save lives and reduce the impact on the settlement, making repairs easier.
Marsel drew this customization of Edmund’s usual outfit specifically for this piece, adding her own style to it. Funnily enough, I like this attire a lot, but I’ve not had a good occasion to make use of it. Perhaps someday, in the future, I’ll find a good scenario to dress Edmund like this, but that depends on where I go from here.
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August 31, 2024 at 9:02 pm