Rabrandt of the Red
Another one of Rabrandt's many disciplines is that of the Red Mage. Though more specialized casters are able to wield powerful magicks, drawing aether from the land around them, the Red Mage must utilize their body's own internal supply of aetheric energy. To compensate for each...
Rabrandt, Eorzean Ninja (Card)
Taking the art that LittleBadWolf drew of my FF XIV Ninja, I created this. At the time, one of my favorite Commander decks was helmed by Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow. (I still have it, but I don't bring it out frequently because of its reputation.)...
Rabrandt, Eorzean Ninja
Like many Warriors of Light, Rabrandt is a man of many talents, particularly in the theater of war. While the power of the Dark Knight will always be one he holds close, it is far from his only discipline. Sometimes, there is a need for a...