Night of Revelation – Part 1(/3)
I'll always be grateful to LittleBadWolf for always being available for hire. That's a large reason why kept relying on them to illustrate the scenes that I've written for my world and characters. (The other is that their art style works well with my characters.) Night...
The Trickster’s Trap
"That's a nasty fall, my friend. I'd help you up, but first I need you to answer a few questions for me, starting with why you followed me all the way out here." Though Enigma has trained in swordplay out of necessity, the truth is he...
Oplentian Infiltration
Back in November of 2022, I took a week off of work for a Thanksgiving vacation. While I had been writing short stories on and off over the course of the year, I was still dissatisfied with my progress, specifically with the "main story" involving...
Feast Fit for an Emperor
Once known as The Great Detective, Enigma's capture and subsequent rebirth at the hands of the titan Volpes had molded him into the image of perfection: Strong, cunning, ruthless, and dominant in all aspects. It was then that he knew what his mission would need...
A Series of Unfortunate Complications
It was supposed to be a simple job for a detective of his talents: Alarming disappearances from the local homeless population, going back at least several months. Trace their footsteps, see what threads each of the victims had in common, and use that information to...
I Think It Suits Me
On another plane, far from his home, the mind mage has taken on a freelance job to infiltrate a gala where many of its most successful and powerful people have gathered, to collect information on them. If nothing else, it was an opportunity to get...
Enigma, Psionic Titan
If my memory serves, the first draft of this card was designed soon after I had finished writing the story of Emperor Enigma. The idea was simply to mechanically represent this powerful tyrant who empowers and brainwashes others, but differently than Volpes. Where Volpes subverts...
Changing One’s Mind
This one is probably one of my most popular pieces, and given my audience and the circles they inhabit that's of no surprise. As Volpes so apt demonstrates, I have a fetish for muscle growth and accompanying mental/personality changes. While I was writing the Investigations...
A Bold New World
Owing to the vast and complex nature of the multiverse, some worlds have evolved and developed along completely different lines than their siblings. Case in point, this one that Enigma finds himself wandering into for the first time. By a stroke of luck, a fellow planeswalker...
Surveying the Mountains
To the Magistrum, and the plane of Crossroads as a whole, Planeswalkers are extremely valuable. Many of its inhabitants trace their roots to other planes, their ancestors summoned by the Planeswalkers of old, when they still possessed god-like powers. The Magistrum ever seeks to preserve and...