Enigma, the Technical Mind
I've had this idea stewing in my head for a while now, and the piece I got from LittleBadWolf was the perfect art to use for it. Kaito Bane of Nightmares is the latest example, but there are more than a few Planeswalkers and Planeswalker support...
The View is Always Better From the Rooftops
A truism of the trade is that if one want to remain undetected, their best bet is to get as high off the ground as they can. This is because the vast majority of people rarely, if ever, look up. And by raising oneself above...
The New Order
The art for this piece was depicted by Refegi as part of a YCH in December 2024. This is also the first time that art is posted here on the same day it is being uploaded to FurAffinity. This will hopefully be the norm from...
Enigma’s Rebirth
One single night. The moment Enigma stepped out of that cage, tearing down the bars with his titan-enhanced arms, it only took one single night for him to usurp Volpes and become the new leader of the Titan Syndicate. Finally free to wield the powers that...
Traverse the Way
"Hmm." The mage gazed upon the map silently. Despite his initial skepticism, the merchant appeared to be telling the truth about the map they sold. At the very least, his locator spell is able to forge a clear path using it as a reference; The illusory...
Hail to the Emperor
Every day was a good day to be the Emperor of New Oplentis. The wolfkin once known as Enigma the Great Detective was truly at the top of the hierarchy. And though he knew that fact was ironclad, he also knew it was no excuse to...
The Light of a Dark City
His time on this plane hasn't been easy. As one might expect of a detective, Enigma has been involved in numerous cases both big and small. It's a curious profession for it often involves seeing people at their worst, lowest moments. Even outside of that...
Pride of the Professor
You did well on the last test. It's clear that you've been putting in the work, studying hard, attending practice, and the results speak for themselves. Perhaps you aren't quite an expert yet. Perhaps other students pick it up faster than you do. But what matters...
Wait Out the Storm
In the weeks after return from their investigation of Oplentis, after the shocking truth had been revealed, Edmund was in a difficult head space. And like many young men, he attempted to channel this raw emotion into his training. Unfortunately, that often let the mage's practice...
Tactics of the Mind Mage
It's probably no coincidence that an artist named RamzaWolf accepts commissions to depict characters as if they were units in Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions. I happen to believe that the story of the game is one of the greatest ever told...