You Think You Stand A Chance!?
As decreed by Enigma, the New Oplentian Empire has one law that trumps all others: The right to rule goes to the strongest, and their word is law. And with the construction of the arena, anyone is welcome to challenge the Emperor, and try to...
Recruitment Drive
"My friends, this is a momentous day. Though you have all come to me for your own reasons, we are united in purpose: To topple the corruption that rests at the heart of our fair Oplentis. And to serve that purpose, you must be tough...
Look At That View
Enigma was always a fairly athletic person. It comes with the territory when one spends most of their time traveling from one place to another, always on the move. And whenever he arrives at a new and unfamiliar place, one of the first things he likes...
Just the Way You Are
Even though the actual story for this piece, by Marsel-Defender back in April of 2023, was penned the day before I originally uploaded it, I had been playing around with the concepts of it in my head for some time prior. I question often if I've...
Built for the Hunt
Due to the nature of its creation, the plane of Crossroads is often rife with all manner of beasts, monsters, and war machines summoned to it during the ancient Planeswalker Wars. As a result, going outside one of the major cities and settlements without either...
Looks Like Kitty Got Wet
This piece was yet another YCH that I purchased off Marsel-Defender back in December of 2022. I'm fond of writing slice-of-life pieces for these fantastical, magical characters, because I want them to feel like real people. Although he is a splendid mage, Edmund is also...
Bring Home the Bacon
As Azurium, like any former officer in the Oplentian army, would tell you how important it was for his men to go on regular hunts in order to control the monster population, keeping them away from the city limits. Almost every major city on the...
Bold Escape
In the early days, as Volpes and Azurium were establishing their operations, it was important to build up a reputation by pulling off bold, daring acts of rebellion against Oplentian authority. Azurium still had to work to maintain his cover as captain of the guard,...
Pumped Up at the Bonfire Festival
At the dawn of Crossroad's recorded history, once the Great Planeswalker Wars had been brought to an end, it is said that the remaining footsoldiers, humans and beastkin bereft of hearth and home, gathered together around a massive bonfire to celebrate the end of their...
Volpes, the Revolutionary
While I'm happy with the design I originally came up with for Volpes's debut card, I had a problem with both the mechanical complexity and verbosity of it's text, and my playgroup had a problem playing against it. I wanted to solve both problems by...