Soul of a Tiger, Heart of a Lion
Like many young people his age, Edmund's time at the Magistrum has come to be just as much about discovering himself as it has about discovering the world around him. As an abandoned child on the mean streets of Oplentis, he spent so much time...
A Series of Unfortunate Complications
It was supposed to be a simple job for a detective of his talents: Alarming disappearances from the local homeless population, going back at least several months. Trace their footsteps, see what threads each of the victims had in common, and use that information to...
Summer Fun at the Moonfaire
Between adventuring, training, and various side hustles, Rabrandt is a busy man, always working on something. But one thing he learned in his military days is that everyone needs a vacation, a chance to recuperate and recharge. And now that it's the season for the...
Spellsword of Another Stripe
At this point, everyone knows that once Enigma is bonded to his Companion and achieves Perfect Bond, sometime after the Volpes incident, he becomes an adept spellsword, able to utilize swordplay with his own psionic magic. What is not as well known is that the inspiration...
I Think It Suits Me
On another plane, far from his home, the mind mage has taken on a freelance job to infiltrate a gala where many of its most successful and powerful people have gathered, to collect information on them. If nothing else, it was an opportunity to get...
A Knight’s Friendly Challenge
Edmund was never one to walk away from a challenge, even when said challenge came from his mentor's tipsy friend, Richard. The dragon knight is rightfully proud of his prowess on the battlefield, and in a moment of liquid courage-infused bravado, claimed that the tigerkin...
Surveying the Mountains
To the Magistrum, and the plane of Crossroads as a whole, Planeswalkers are extremely valuable. Many of its inhabitants trace their roots to other planes, their ancestors summoned by the Planeswalkers of old, when they still possessed god-like powers. The Magistrum ever seeks to preserve and...
Investigations in Oplentis
In March of 2022, I had a few days off work, and I had begun to grow nervous about the writing I was doing. Specifically, I was afraid that I had fallen into the trap that many hobbyist writers and creatives do where they spend...
Magical Mastery
As a mind mage, Enigma is a difficult opponent to fight. For most people, drawing a weapon against him is a one-way ticket to getting themselves mind-controlled. Though he does not kill or permanently damage his aggressors, they will often be left in compromising positions,...
The Prodigal Adventurer
Looking back, even had he not been born a planeswalker, it seemed inevitable that the wolf known as Enigma would have become an explorer or adventurer of some kind. The son of traveling merchants, his parents took him all over the plane, encouraging and nurturing...