Night of Revelation – Part 2(/3)
Once again, LittleBadWolf stepped up to do an illustration for this part of "Night of Revelation", this time back in April of 2023. Writing fight scenes isn't my area of expertise, but I remember reading some advice that I tried to keep in mind during the...
Night of Revelation – Part 1(/3)
I'll always be grateful to LittleBadWolf for always being available for hire. That's a large reason why kept relying on them to illustrate the scenes that I've written for my world and characters. (The other is that their art style works well with my characters.) Night...
The Trickster’s Trap
"That's a nasty fall, my friend. I'd help you up, but first I need you to answer a few questions for me, starting with why you followed me all the way out here." Though Enigma has trained in swordplay out of necessity, the truth is he...
Rabrandt, the Red
As many are aware, I am a fan of Final Fantasy XIV, and I have been playing it since roughly the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. In January of 2023, I continued the long running side hustle of "Design MTG cards around my favorite Final...
Oplentian Infiltration
Back in November of 2022, I took a week off of work for a Thanksgiving vacation. While I had been writing short stories on and off over the course of the year, I was still dissatisfied with my progress, specifically with the "main story" involving...
Feast Fit for an Emperor
Once known as The Great Detective, Enigma's capture and subsequent rebirth at the hands of the titan Volpes had molded him into the image of perfection: Strong, cunning, ruthless, and dominant in all aspects. It was then that he knew what his mission would need...
The Spirit of Giving
The celebration of the Winter Solstice is once again in season all across the plane of Crossroads, but for the downtrodden of Oplentis's 13th district, it is a poor salve for their daily woes. While conditions in the district have been improving gradually ever since...
Rabrandt, the Reaper // Rabrandt, the Shrouded
About one year into Endwalker's release cycle, I had played enough Reaper to get a stronger idea of how it feels. With that in mind, since I now had art from LittleBadWolf of my character both as a normal and enshrouded Reaper, it felt appropriate...
Shrouded Justice
As a Reaper, Rabrandt fights alongside a demonic entry from another world, a voidsent. Their covenant empowers him beyond his normal capabilities in exchange for a portion of both his own aether and aether from the enemies he fights. For them, it is an equitable...
The True Criminal
This piece from LittleBadWolf in September of 2022 was the perfect compliment to a story I had been mulling over in my head. I wanted to show a more ruthless side to Volpes, to remind the audience that was an antagonistic and villainous force. The...