The Ice Cream Incident
"Aw crud. I woulda freezed it if I knew it was gonna melt that quickly." The tigerkin could feel the sweet, still faintly chilly substance as it dropped onto his otherwise smooth fur. Saving the rest of the delicious summer treat, he quickly put the rest...
Some Cats Love Water
It wouldn't be a beach trip without a dip in the ocean, and Edmund can't help but take advantage of his gifts, both natural and unnatural. With his powerful arms and legs displacing the water around him to propel himself forward is a simple task. And...
Wreathed In Love
Not every moment of Edmund and Mortimer's vacation was spend on the beach. Even between touring the city, going out for a few drinks, swimming in the ocean, and enjoying each others company in public and private, the two lovers made time to simply relax...
Beach Side Service
I remember looking at this piece, commissioned as a YCH from LittleBadWolf back in June of 2024, and thinking to myself that Mortimer looked really sexy in it. He may not be incredible buff, especially in comparison to the rest of my cast, but the...
Moving Forward – Part 2(/2)
This custom commission from LittleBadWolf illustrates what I consider to be the final chapter of The Case of the Titan Syndicate. It may not be perfect, but it is a finished tale that was penned entirely by my hand. And truthfully, when I started building...
Young Lust and Young Love
During their beach vacation, Edmund and Morty enjoyed each other's company as they took advantage of all the Magistrum-owned resort had to offer. As the days went on, they toured the resort town, took a long stroll on the beach under the sunset, and sampled...
To Arms!
Enigma: "So what was your endgame, with all of this?" Volpes: "The nobility of Oplentis… They could not be allowed to maintain their hold over the city. Too many people had their lives ruined and upended by their tyrannical rule." Enigma: "And so you needed your own...
A New Life
The Case of the Titan Syndicate continues thanks to this custom commission from LittleBadWolf back in March of 2024. Our big villains have both turned a corner, and both of them are ready to begin the next chapter in their lives. We also have our first...
The Next Chapter
They say that the best way to improve one's own writing and creativity is to go out, immersing oneself in new experiences to grow a deeper understanding of the world. Sitting at his desk in his apartment in Mist, just outside of the coastal pirate city...
Contract with the Void
In the years prior to his defection from the Garlean army, Rabrandt had heard the legends of assassins who formed contracts with the creatures of the void. They were a mainstay in bedtime stories and fairy tales meant to frighten young children. In exchange for...