Kingmaker, Kingbreaker
"You look at this throne, and you see a monument to all the power and influence you've built on the backs of the people you mistreated. This gilded trim and gaudy cup. I look at this and see naught but an expensive chair that anyone...
A Mysterious Agent
There have been scattered reports of an mysterious reptilian figure seen in various towns all throughout Crossroads. Whoever he is, he's been seen in the vicinity of several high profile thefts, break-ins, kidnappings, and other misdeeds conducted with utmost skill and finesse. While his exact agenda,...
To A New World
As a planeswalker, Enigma finds himself traveling all manner of worlds. Usually, those worlds are ones where he's able to walk among the population as he normally dresses. Even if he stands out, it doesn't cause any sort of problem, and may even help him...