Reaper, Reaper
He had heard the rumors back in his days as a Garlean soldier: Those who overcame their lack of magical ability by forming pacts with the creatures of the void. Back then, he had considered them ghost stories, nothing more than fairy tales meant to...
“Remember us. Remember that we once lived.”
It was not uncommon for Rabrandt to visit the First, being the only member of the Scions who yet had the capability of doing so. One doesn't place their life on the line saving another world not their own without forging a few friendships on...
The Will to Resist
This piece was commissioned by Seiryuuden in August of 2021. At the time, Shadowbringers was still the most recent expansion in Final Fantasy XIV, and the Bozja/Resistance Weapons were the major focus of much of the side content available. Since my character is a Hrothgar, and...
A Dancer’s Life For Me
Though he's been through more than his fair share of tragedy and misery, Rabrandt's life is far from all doom and gloom. There is joy to be found in becoming a Warrior of Light. It could be said that Eoreza has saved him as much as...
Pushing One’s Limits
The life of an adventurer isn't always fraught with excitement and peril, not even for a Champion of Eorzea. There will always be downtime, either when work dries up or there's a need to decompress from the heartache that comes with the job. And yet, that's...
Rabrandt of the Red
Another one of Rabrandt's many disciplines is that of the Red Mage. Though more specialized casters are able to wield powerful magicks, drawing aether from the land around them, the Red Mage must utilize their body's own internal supply of aetheric energy. To compensate for each...
Rabrandt, Eorzean Ninja
Like many Warriors of Light, Rabrandt is a man of many talents, particularly in the theater of war. While the power of the Dark Knight will always be one he holds close, it is far from his only discipline. Sometimes, there is a need for a...
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