Teach Said Knock You Out
"I've gone to watch a few of his matches. It's clear that he's having fun in his own way. As to your question, as long as it doesn't distract from his studies and he keeps out of trouble, I don't truly care what Edmund does...
Step Into The Ring
It's no secret that Edmund considers himself an athlete, and particularly a fighter. There's no combat sport that he wouldn't try at least once, to learn what he could from it. Boxing is a tradition that goes back centuries, longer than the plane of Crossroads...
Gym Rats, Literally and Figuratively
"You want my permission to go off and train with someone else?" Enigma sat at the desk in his office, looking down at the paperwork with golden eyes, clawed fingers gently wrapped around the sheet. It was a request for a sabbatical lasting about a month,...
Tactics of the Mind Mage
It's probably no coincidence that an artist named RamzaWolf accepts commissions to depict characters as if they were units in Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions. I happen to believe that the story of the game is one of the greatest ever told...
The Anger of the Beast
Enigma often returns from his travels with stories of the many things he has seen. After one particular excursion, he told his apprentice a tale of performers pushing their bodies to the limits in a ring, for the amusement of the crowds. Even better, he...
Enigma’s Disdainful Stroke
His adversary was channeling mana, large quantities of it. The pages of the spellbook in their hand had begun to project the arcane glow of mystical energies. In his position, many mages would have lost their nerve, unable to respond to such an obvious threat. But...
A Friendly Flying Competition
Located in the center of its region of the multiverse, the plane of Crossroads is often visited by travelers from other worlds. One of them happens to be Sir Richard the Protector, a dragonkin knight from another plane who has worked with Detective Enigma a...
A Knight’s Friendly Challenge
Edmund was never one to walk away from a challenge, even when said challenge came from his mentor's tipsy friend, Richard. The dragon knight is rightfully proud of his prowess on the battlefield, and in a moment of liquid courage-infused bravado, claimed that the tigerkin...
A Meeting with a Titan
This piece was the first I ever commissioned from the legendary Vallhound back in March of 2022, and a collaboration from my good friend CyberLightning and his dragon Richard. The story was written wholly by him, and I handled the editing. It was fun to see...
Edmund Azurium’s Day Off
For Edmund, this was to be a rare day: A free day. Neither training nor studies were on the schedule, as per his teacher’s insistence. “Working hard is one thing, but it’s important to allow yourself time to rest.” The words rang in the young tiger’s...
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