Enigma, the Technical Mind
I've had this idea stewing in my head for a while now, and the piece I got from LittleBadWolf was the perfect art to use for it. Kaito Bane of Nightmares is the latest example, but there are more than a few Planeswalkers and Planeswalker support...
Enigma’s Disdainful Stroke
His adversary was channeling mana, large quantities of it. The pages of the spellbook in their hand had begun to project the arcane glow of mystical energies. In his position, many mages would have lost their nerve, unable to respond to such an obvious threat. But...
Dearly Departed
"The dead shall rest in peace. I can't say the same for you." It appears you have some skeletons in your closet: Lingering guilt over the dearly departed. Perhaps you hold yourself responsible for their premature demise. Perhaps they represent a moment of weakness, where you...
Azurium, Ranger Corp Captain
And of course, a new era for Azurium needs to have a custom MTG card to go with it, using the artwork I got from Marsel-Defender in November of 2023. Though some friends helped me with templating, this card was more-or-less fully formed right out of...
Rhygar, Murder’s Progeny
CW: Blood, vivid violent imagery You told them you needed to mediate. Perhaps there was truth to that, but your depraved mind knew to withhold the crucial pieces of information. You have performed this ritual many times, at least that's what you suspect. Though your memory...
Rabrandt, Prodigal Detective
I had spent years, starting in September 2021, and ending with this submission in October 2023, cooking up the concept of an Enigma "Sparker" card, a legendary creature that transforms into a Planeswalker. Because he's a detective in lore, I knew I wanted him to...
Azurium, Bane of Machines
And of course, I enjoyed the YCH pose from that last work so much that I needed to get two slots for it. Once again, this too came from balalaevGod back in April of 2023. At the time, March of the Machines was the hot new...
Rabrandt, the Red
As many are aware, I am a fan of Final Fantasy XIV, and I have been playing it since roughly the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. In January of 2023, I continued the long running side hustle of "Design MTG cards around my favorite Final...
Edmund, Eye of the Storm
This card was illustrated by Rerepop back in October of 2022. I saw a YCH from them and thought it would be the perfect art for an Edmund card. Unfortunately, I think it is my least favorite among all of the card designs I've ever shared...
Rabrandt, Sage of Etheirys
That artwork by Seiryuuden was commissioned for the express purpose of being on this card, representing my character as a Sage from Final Fantasy XIV. In game, Sage's a healers that primarily make use of shields to protect allies as the busy themselves mending wounds. At...