May I Have This Dance?
As a detective, Enigma knows that those of power and prestige are most at ease when attending galas, and other high-end parties. And if you want to learn about someone, you have to engage them in their element. So it was that he learned to...
It was such a simple principle that both mentor and student were astonished they hadn't come up with it before. One need not necessarily be a true pyromancer in order to make use of fire. Through the controlled application of his powers, Edmund could simulate the...
Edmund, God of Thunder
After returning from one of his "sabbaticals", Enigma regaled his students with tales he picked up from his adventures. Of particular interest to his most dedicated apprentice was the tale of a god of thunder, who channeled his power through a magical hammer. Edmund, with the...
The Best Teacher
When Enigma started on the path of a planeswalking detective, he was overly confident in his own abilities, thinking that his mind and magic would be enough to carry him through even the most harrowing perils. And like many such young fools, his folly lead...
Wolfing It Down
The psionicist often wondered why the colloquialism "wolfing it down" became popular in other planes. Any yet, if any were to observe him eating his evening meal like this, sitting by the campfire and without any of the utensils common to the more civilized settings...
Conducting the Storm
"Attempting to control your powers with my level of precision will only backfire. Compared to the magics I wield, yours are significantly more fierce and primal in their expression. Rather than force your will upon the wind and lightning, it is your charge to gently...
Refining the Unrefined
It was no secret that Edmund had a talent for brawling, and getting himself out of difficult scraps. Unlike the more subtle approach of his teach, Edmund was adept at tackling his problems… a bit more directly. Rather than try to have his larger-than-life protege...
Enigma, the Infiltrator
"Truly, the best way to understand a people is to walk among them. Even better when they can't observe you." As a master illusionist, turning himself invisible is trivial to Enigma. When he wants to get a better feel for the goings-on in district or township,...
These Muscles Aren’t For Show
I tell my apprentice all the time that he's too easily goaded. I swear, people rile him up because they know he'll want to prove himself in a grandiose display of strength. The young man never took well to people insinuating his muscles were just...
The Day a Storm Mage Was Born
It was obvious from the moment the young man first walked into the mind mage's classroom that, while rough and unrefined, there was untapped potential hidden within. This was why he agreed to take Edmund on in the first place, to help mold him into the...