Hitching a Ride
The one constant of life on the road, no matter which plane one finds themselves on, is that the benevolence of strangers can get you far. Literally in this case, as the Great Detective finds himself hitching a ride on a kindly farmer's wagon to...
Peak Training
Among the more physically-oriented students of the Magistrum, like the ones in its martial arts program, it's become a common practice to head into the nearby mountain ranges to train once they've been certified to go out into the wilderness without an escort. With the...
Look At That View
Enigma was always a fairly athletic person. It comes with the territory when one spends most of their time traveling from one place to another, always on the move. And whenever he arrives at a new and unfamiliar place, one of the first things he likes...
The Trickster’s Trap
"That's a nasty fall, my friend. I'd help you up, but first I need you to answer a few questions for me, starting with why you followed me all the way out here." Though Enigma has trained in swordplay out of necessity, the truth is he...
Pumped Up at the Bonfire Festival
At the dawn of Crossroad's recorded history, once the Great Planeswalker Wars had been brought to an end, it is said that the remaining footsoldiers, humans and beastkin bereft of hearth and home, gathered together around a massive bonfire to celebrate the end of their...
A Working Fox
It is safe to say that Volpes is a complicated man, with a complicated relationship with those under his employ. On some level, he has empathy for them, refusing to order them to do any task that he himself would be unwilling to do with...
Soul of a Tiger, Heart of a Lion
Like many young people his age, Edmund's time at the Magistrum has come to be just as much about discovering himself as it has about discovering the world around him. As an abandoned child on the mean streets of Oplentis, he spent so much time...
Spellsword of Another Stripe
At this point, everyone knows that once Enigma is bonded to his Companion and achieves Perfect Bond, sometime after the Volpes incident, he becomes an adept spellsword, able to utilize swordplay with his own psionic magic. What is not as well known is that the inspiration...
I Think It Suits Me
On another plane, far from his home, the mind mage has taken on a freelance job to infiltrate a gala where many of its most successful and powerful people have gathered, to collect information on them. If nothing else, it was an opportunity to get...
Surveying the Mountains
To the Magistrum, and the plane of Crossroads as a whole, Planeswalkers are extremely valuable. Many of its inhabitants trace their roots to other planes, their ancestors summoned by the Planeswalkers of old, when they still possessed god-like powers. The Magistrum ever seeks to preserve and...