The View is Always Better From the Rooftops
A truism of the trade is that if one want to remain undetected, their best bet is to get as high off the ground as they can. This is because the vast majority of people rarely, if ever, look up. And by raising oneself above...
Ready for a Brawl
Though there is relative safety inside city-walls, and most settlements have some form of organized force they use to keep the surrounding regions under control, the truth is that Crossroads is a dangerous plane. Ferocious beasts, both robbed from other planes and genetically modified by the...
Traverse the Way
"Hmm." The mage gazed upon the map silently. Despite his initial skepticism, the merchant appeared to be telling the truth about the map they sold. At the very least, his locator spell is able to forge a clear path using it as a reference; The illusory...
Just a Little Sip
It had been some time since Enigma has last visited the tavern. Though the oven-roasted cockatrice with creamy mushroom gravy was a delightful dish among many of their menu, he had figured out how to recreate their culinary delights on his own long ago. For...
Pride of the Professor
You did well on the last test. It's clear that you've been putting in the work, studying hard, attending practice, and the results speak for themselves. Perhaps you aren't quite an expert yet. Perhaps other students pick it up faster than you do. But what matters...
Wait Out the Storm
In the weeks after return from their investigation of Oplentis, after the shocking truth had been revealed, Edmund was in a difficult head space. And like many young men, he attempted to channel this raw emotion into his training. Unfortunately, that often let the mage's practice...
The Complexity of the Fox
There are many ways that one could describe the foxkin commonly referred to as Volpes. He's a rogue who undeniably used good, innocent people in pursuit of his grudge against the corrupt Oplentian aristocracy.He's a crook who, while using his profits to heal the sick and...
Mind Mages on Motorbikes
While exploring this new, unfamiliar plane, Enigma's local planeswalker contact, realizes his peer would need his own transportation if he was going to independently explore the place. Fortunately, they had recently built a new motorcycle and were happy to lend the mind mage their older...
On the Hunt
It's common knowledge to the denizens of the plane of Crossroads that their world was manufactured by powerful planeswalkers centuries ago. Further, they know that their ancestors were all displaced peoples, robbed from their native lands, and made to do battle on behalf of these...
The Unofficial Spymaster
Though the Magistrum possesses technology advanced enough to send messages through handheld communicators, not all of the city-states of Crossroads, nor all of their citizens, have access to said technology. And even when they do, some simply prefer the old way of carrier birds, for...