On the Hunt
It's common knowledge to the denizens of the plane of Crossroads that their world was manufactured by powerful planeswalkers centuries ago. Further, they know that their ancestors were all displaced peoples, robbed from their native lands, and made to do battle on behalf of these...
Azurium, Bane of Machines
And of course, I enjoyed the YCH pose from that last work so much that I needed to get two slots for it. Once again, this too came from balalaevGod back in April of 2023. At the time, March of the Machines was the hot new...
The Emperor’s New Gun(s)
"Titan engineering at its finest. Bringing strength of mind and body to this feeble world." The Emperor takes great joy in flaunting the physical benefits of his new body, enhanced by his failed predecessor Volpes. Like his titan soldiers and brethren, he has been blessed with...
A Working Fox
It is safe to say that Volpes is a complicated man, with a complicated relationship with those under his employ. On some level, he has empathy for them, refusing to order them to do any task that he himself would be unwilling to do with...
Enigma, Psionic Titan
If my memory serves, the first draft of this card was designed soon after I had finished writing the story of Emperor Enigma. The idea was simply to mechanically represent this powerful tyrant who empowers and brainwashes others, but differently than Volpes. Where Volpes subverts...
Changing One’s Mind
This one is probably one of my most popular pieces, and given my audience and the circles they inhabit that's of no surprise. As Volpes so apt demonstrates, I have a fetish for muscle growth and accompanying mental/personality changes. While I was writing the Investigations...