Be Mindful of the Blade
The sword Companion, named after the symbiotic creature whose matter composes it, is a very unique weapon for a very unique wielder. In a sense, it’s very literally a part of Enigma’s body made manifest, especially when in Perfect Bond form. This gives it a variety of special properties.
It’s sharpness is variable. As you can see here, Enigma is touching his hand to it without even the slightness paper cut. However, if he desires he can hone it to a razor’s edge with merely a passing thought. And because of it’s “material”, it can easily repair and regenerate itself.
Additionally, because it is an extension of his body, it is difficult to impossible to disarm Enigma. He can always recall it, or it’s constituent parts, back into his body to recreate it.
And lastly, as you can see with the glowing runes imbued upon it, Enigma can channel is magic into the blade, where it can seep into those wounded by it. Imagine, as you will, a weapon that slowly lull it’s victim to sleep, or gains control of their mind, as they come in contact with it. In that sense, it could be considered a cursed weapon if anyone other than Enigma took it up.
So while it’s a wonderful weapon, are you sure you want to wield it? You might find that the weapon wields you in return.
Another wonderful YCH from Marsel-Defender back in August of 2020.
This one is driven mostly by a simple logic. If the symbiote is a part of Perfect Bond, and the magical weapon is composed of symbiote material, then it would stand to reason that the weapon is another part of Perfect Bond Enigma’s body. And furthermore, Enigma should be able to channel his magic through the weapon in much the same way he does through his own body.
Since his magic is inherently deceptive, focused around control and subterfuge, then those are exactly the kind of spells that should be channeled through the blade.
I still enjoy the idea of Enigma using his magic to lay traps like this. Although the symbiote is no longer official canon, I can always explore it in hypothetical “What-If” scenarios like I do with my Emperor timeline.
Pingback: The Companion Blade – The Enigma Files
August 24, 2024 at 9:21 pm