Enigma, Mentalist Battle-Mage
This is the card I designed around the unveiling of Symbiote Enigma's "Combat Mode" (later dubbed "Perfect Bond"). In truth, it's not the first version of the card. Though the core concept never wavered, the original mechanics were quite different. Instead of transforming into a creature...
“This is My Full Power”
Drawn by Seiryuuden in October in 2018, this is the "official" unveiling of Symbiote Enigma's "Perfect Bond" form, which I had dubbed "Combat Mode" at the time. As I said with Lex Farran's piece, this was what happened when Enigma and his symbiote, Companion, merged both...
The Meditating Mage
"Watch closely. This is what I'm truly capable of." This piece was drawn by Lex Ferran back in September of 2018. You'll note that this is tagged in the Symbiote timeline. That's because this piece was intended to be what I would later call "Perfect Bond Enigma",...
Symbiotic Homunculi Cards
As I said in the last post, the idea for these cards actually came before the art did, and the art was commissioned specifically to place on the cards. The initial black mana card to serve as a "baseline", explaining what the mechanic was. Though...
Symbiotic Homunculi
After spending some time getting acquainted with his newfound other, Enigma discovered that the symbiote can be divided, in a way not to dissimilar to a cell. Though psychically linked to the original and its host, these copies have their own (mostly benevolent) personalities. And like...
Intimidating Presence
Yet another attempt to turn commissioned art into custom magic cards. I remember being very proud of this design, taking inspiration from Blink of an Eye in the Dominaria set: Though that seems laughable now. Then again, it is also likely the most solid design I...
Sword in one hand, spell in the other.
"I may be an academic and detective by trade, but don't underestimate me. I have more than a few tricks up my sleeve." There is nothing inherently special about this piece in particular, from August of 2018, in the grand scheme of my lore and story....
Enigma, Intrepid Explorer // Enigma, Newly Reborn
This custom card was pieced together through the art commissioned from Croft, again back in June of 2018. Though a more powerful card than my previous attempts to make a Planeswalker, I too find that this one, with the benefit of hindsight, is less interesting...
Just one moment of inattention can change your life forever.
"I was nervous coming here, but it looks like I brought out the sword and board for nothing…" According to the locals, people have disappearing in the vicinity of a desolate, abandoned castle, once home to a fallen lineage. While there have been strange happenings in...
Why yes, I do know how to use this.
"As much as I hate to admit it, there may come a time where my magic alone just won't cut it. I need something to fall back on for just such an occasion." After a few…. eventful adventures, Enigma has decided to take up combat training...