Abandoned, or is it?
After touching down on an unknown plane ravaged by the bitter cold, cutting his way through the deadwood of a seemingly barren forest, the mind mage, fully bonded with his symbiote Companion, eventually found his way to an old village, or what remained of one.
Though their bond had sharpened the senses of the combined symbiote-wolf’s hybridized body, there was only so much that even enhanced sight could do in the frozen fog. Luckily for him, whatever people had once dwelled here had left behind a lantern, and enough fuel to light it.
Abandoned villages are far from uncommon in the grand scheme of the multiverse. What was uncommon was the latent psionic energy, easily detected by both the wolf and symbiote half of the hybrid being. Whatever form of life had yet dwelled here was taking painstaking efforts to keep itself hidden.
Unfortunately for them, nothing draws Enigma’s interest quite like a mystery waiting to be solved.
This piece from LittleBadWolf back in October of 2021 was another in a long line of YCHs I’ve received from them.
Ordinarily, this wouldn’t be a significant enough piece in my writing to preserve here. Nothing about this lore plugs into any world-building or future story. However, the art was also the basis for a card idea that I was fond enough of to build a deck around, as you’ll soon see.
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October 20, 2024 at 8:47 pm