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A Summer’s Reprieve

Though this piece from LittleBadWolf was posted in August of 2023, the original title of the YCH, Summer Fireworks, put me in the mind of American Independence Day. It made me think of how a similar holiday would work in Magistrum City, so I cooked up Foundation Day as a solution, celebration the creation of the Magistrum.

Since the city is host to all number of magical disciplines, including illusions, it would make sense that those illusionists would use the holiday as a excuse to create elaborate performances of their art. Similar to fireworks, but with the added benefit of not scaring pets with loud bangs and unpleasant noises.

It would also be the perfect excuse for Edmund and Morty to hang out together.

The young rabbitkin, looking up towards the skies with the aid of his glasses, laid his head gently on his boyfriend’s lap. A contented sigh escaped his muzzle, taking in the tranquility of the pier they chose to rest upon, on a lake not too far outside the city limits.

“Do you know when it’s going to start, Ed?”

His partner, a tigerkin with a defined physique, wearing little beyond a pair of trousers, propped himself upright with his arms, looking up alongside him.

“Should be any minute now. Teach was excited to show off his new tricks today.”

“It’s not Foundation Day without a show from the Great Detective Enigma, is it?”

“You know it.”

Just then, they saw it. Over the city, high in the sky, a brilliant display of illusory talent: Images rendered in extreme, meticulous detail, depicting the founders of the five major colleges coming together to form what would become the Theorem Magistrum, and the city built around it.

“How does he get better at it each year?”

“You know Teach. Always studyin’ or practicin’ somethin’.”

“Is that where you get it from, Ed?”

“Heh. Somethin’ like that.”

Though the conversation died down, neither of the two seemed affected by it. It was enough for them to just enjoy the moment together. As this ceremony heralded the start of the new semester, they knew that their peers were scrambling to complete any unfinished business before classes dominated their time. But in this moment, neither one of them had any reason to worry.

They had each other, and that was enough.

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