A New Role
Though this piece from Marsel-Defender was commissioned back in December of 2023, I held it until February of 2024 to illustrate this side story.
At last, Volpes has completed his rehabilitation and is on his way to getting discharged!
Even since the day Victor of Opentis became the titan Volpes, the cold had never bothered him. His enhanced physiology meant that while he still felt it, his body would not easily succumb to the ill effects of exposure.
And yet, as he sat naked in the sauna of the Magistrum City Corrections Facility, part of him mused to himself that despite his immunities, it was still far more comfortable to be in a warm, heated room than out in the frigid air. There was probably a lesson somewhere in that, but Volpes wasn’t quite able to make out what that lesson might be.
Nay, the rest of the reformed ex-con’s mind was focused on the conversation he had with Professor Rabrandt a few weeks ago. Aside from Azurium and the former members of his titan syndicate, the fox never received visitors. So when someone started knocking on his door a few weeks back, smaller than a titan, yet outside of Bethana’s regular rounds, curiosity got the best of him.
“The door is unlocked.” Stepping through the doorway, the Great Detective Enigma emerged, wearing the ordinary nondescript outfit Volpes had slowly started growing accustomed to. “It has been some time, Enigma. To what do I owe the pleasure?”
In the admittedly short time that Volpes knew the wolfkin, this was the first time he had seen him smile. “Bets tells me that you’ll likely be released soon.”
“We’ve almost rehabilitated enough of the old crew. Just a few more, and I’ll be released back into the world.” Both men could feel the sense of relief washing over the titan as he spoke the words.
“And that leads me to the reason I’m here. I wanted to ask what you planned to do when you were released.”
The detective was driving at something, so Volpes opted to play along for now. “The work to overthrow the Oplentian government must continue, but at this point, your people have given me the tools to coordinate those efforts remotely. And don’t think I haven’t noticed the extra funding either.”
Hearing that, Enigma gave a wink and a knowing smile, “I’m sure I have no idea what you’re talking about, but that still affords you some free time, even if you settled down with Bartholomew.”
“Come now, Detective. Clearly, you already have an answer in mind. Might as well be out with it.”
With a shrug of his shoulders, the diminutive-by-comparison detective stopped playing coy. “Fair enough. Old habits die hard. You have a talent for alchemy, Volpes. Whatever your faults may be, there are many who could learn from your example.”
The larger of the two started chuckling as his muscular arm began to wave the thought away almost out of hand. “You can’t be suggesting what I think you are. The notion is absurd.”
“I don’t see why. You’re skilled at your craft, and I can help you apply for a teaching license.”
“Enigma. I’m an ex-con who brainwashed people into joining his criminal enterprise. That’s not the kind of person you let near young people.”
“The operative word being ‘ex-con’. In Magistrum society, once you’ve atoned for your crimes, they’re no longer counted against you. In our eyes, you’d be eligible for whatever work you’re qualified for. And besides…”
“I can’t help but wonder if things wouldn’t have turned out so bad for you if you had a mentor who understood you. Someone you could turn to for help; who knew what you were going through.”
Putting the pieces together, the giant foxkin moved his hand away from his face and made direct eye contact with Enigma.
“So that’s why. You want to ensure the Magistrum doesn’t accidentally create another Volpes.”
As he responded, Enigma made sure not to break eye-contact, speaking directly. “Volpes was created because the staff at the time were ill-prepared to recognize the signs and administer the necessary aid. It’s a gap that I want to make sure we’ve closed. I don’t quite like the way you said it, but you’re correct.”
Digesting the proposal, Volpes looked out the window of his room, to the students going about their days. “I’ll think about it, detective. Either way, I need to finish my rehabilitation first.”
“I know. That’s why I brought it up now. In any case, I should head out. I wanted to check in on Ed to see how he’s been handling things.”
“Farewell, detective.”
Waving goodbye to the titan, Enigma left him with a question of what he wanted to do with the rest of his life. A question whose answer began to materialize as he continued his rehabilitation.
Weeks later, this visit to the facility’s sauna was special. It marked the last day he would be a patient of the facility. His release was tomorrow, and he was proud of the work that went into it. A wonderland unfolded itself outside in these cold winter months. And as he gazed out into it, Volpes knew he was making the right decision.
He was going to become a Professor.
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