A New Challenger Approaches
I would like to introduce a new character: This is Edmund Azurium, a young brawler with a brash attitude, a strong sense of justice, and untapped magical potential.
It is the last point, in conjunction with some lingering emotional baggage, that found him enrolling in the Theorum Magistrum. There, he registered for the introductory courses taught by one Rabrandt “Enigma” Cyanis, and found untold doors opening up to him.
Whatever fate awaits him, you can be sure that he’ll jump headlong into it with a smile on his face.
Back in September of 2019, I commissioned Toughset to help my finalize the look for a character who had been dancing around in my head for a long time by that point. What shocked me is that when I saw his first draft, I was already more or less completely happy with the design, only need minor adjustments. (The original uniform was red, and I wanted it blue.)
I wanted him to be a tiger, who looked both like he could be Enigma’s student and that he was a brawler, comfortable throwing down in the streets. This design accurately threads that needle, and has stuck with the character since.
What has changed is the context in which he was applied. One of my favorite tropes is the Legacy Character, someone whose title and reputation is inherited, passed down from person to person. I may at some point revisit the idea, but the concept for Edmund was that one day, when Enigma was growing old, he would retire and pass the mantle onto Edmund and allow the young man to be Enigma the 2nd: A skilled detective still, but in his own way separate from his teacher.
That story has yet to be written. What has been written, however, is work that I am intensely proud of, and will continue to archive here.
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