A Mysterious Agent
There have been scattered reports of an mysterious reptilian figure seen in various towns all throughout Crossroads. Whoever he is, he’s been seen in the vicinity of several high profile thefts, break-ins, kidnappings, and other misdeeds conducted with utmost skill and finesse.
While his exact agenda, his movements do indicate some larger purpose guiding his hand. Who, or what, does this mysterious individual work for, and how do his actions advance their ultimate objective?
Perhaps our favorite detective has already found himself embroiled in a case that’ll test him in ways unlike any other.
Another piece by the wonderful LittleBadWolf as a YCH, again in June of 2020. Technically, this isn’t the first piece to feature our mysterious assassin: That distinction would go to this piece from BuffPup, where he attacks Enigma.
At the time this was written, I had begun to cement the idea for the character that would grow to become Volpes. While I will get into details when we (re)-introduce the big man himself, this character was going to be repurposed into an agent that acted on Volpes’s behalf. I thought it was prudent to seed that possibility early, hence this piece.
Unfortunately for this character, who I believe I planned to call Darren, that idea never fully materialized and I ultimately chose to take things in a different direction. Perhaps I’ll have a use for him one day, but that day isn’t today.
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