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A Friendly Flying Competition

Located in the center of its region of the multiverse, the plane of Crossroads is often visited by travelers from other worlds. One of them happens to be Sir Richard the Protector, a dragonkin knight from another plane who has worked with Detective Enigma a number of times on his excursions.

As friendly as the detective is with the knight, when he introduced his interplanar guest to his apprentice, Edmund, the two really hit it off. It’s safe to say that despite their homes being literal worlds apart, the duo have become fast friends.

But these friends are also physically active youths who have yet to reach their prime, and that begets some level of competition between them. When Richard heard the storm mage brag about his flying, the knight had to put those skills to the test with a race through the forests on the outskirts of Magistrum City.

Though Edmund gave a great effort, capable of keeping pace with the Protector, the cold truth was that he had only grown into his magic during his tenure at the Magistrum, and didn’t have the years of flying expertise that his knightly peer could tap into.

And yet, despite all that, he couldn’t even bring himself to get mad. As he crossed the finish line, shortly after Richard, he started laughing, telling the dragonkin that his loss was all the more reason to keep practicing to hone his skills.

Time will tell if he can one day best the dragonkin at his own game, but both of them are eager to find out if and when it will happen.

Sometimes you just want to get a piece of your character and a friend’s character interacting together. And thanks to LittleBadWolf back in November of 2023, CyberLightning and I got to do just that with his character, Richard, and my Edmund.

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