A Dancer’s Life For Me
Though he’s been through more than his fair share of tragedy and misery, Rabrandt’s life is far from all doom and gloom. There is joy to be found in becoming a Warrior of Light.
It could be said that Eoreza has saved him as much as he’s saved Eorzea. As a refugee who lost his home in the Bozja Incident, and a defector from the Garlean Army, he spent a long time on the run until that fateful day when he joined the Adventurer’s Guild.
These days, he enjoys life in his adopted home, the pirate city of Limsa Lominsa. It’s not uncommon to find him roaming the streets and checking out the ships, smiling at the city who he’s both given much to and been given much from.
The title for this piece from LittleBadWolf back in June of 2021 is an obvious play on “A Pirate’s Life for Me”, since my home city in FF XIV is a literal pirate town. And it was nice to use this piece both to show off my Dancer outfit and present a brief summary of my character’s backstory.
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