A Bold New World
Owing to the vast and complex nature of the multiverse, some worlds have evolved and developed along completely different lines than their siblings.
Case in point, this one that Enigma finds himself wandering into for the first time. By a stroke of luck, a fellow planeswalker recognized him for what he is and was willing to sell him a new outfit to better blend in with the local populace.
Similar to how Magistrum students and staff can access the archives from anywhere with their standard-issue communicators, Enigma found that this world relied on a more globally-distributed, but otherwise similar concept called the “internet” to ease knowledge distribution. It was far easier than he expected to modify his communicator to connect with this infrastructure and learn more about the place he found himself.
The mage could even use it to connect with those on the fringes of society to take on a few jobs, experiencing all it had to offer firsthand. Even in a plane as connected as this one, there are always people who slip through the cracks, work left unfinished, and people in need of aid. A mind-mage and detective can go far if they’re willing to step out of their comfort zone and explore what their new surroundings have to offer.
When I first designed Enigma, I wanted him to be the type of character that could fit into any setting and blend in, so that he could be a part of any type of adventure or story: Timeless in the way that a Hercule Poirot or a Sherlock Holmes might be.
I wanted to experiment with putting him into more futuristic, cyberpunk-inspired settings, so when Vallhound was open I sent in an application to have him take a crack at it. As you can see, he did an incredible job on it, bringing Enigma to life in a place that would be strange and alien to him.
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November 30, 2024 at 12:21 am